
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pursuit of a Dream, Pursuit of a Vocation

I drove home to the sight of emergency lights just down the street from my house this evening. There’s something about sights like this that often make me reflect on the state of the community around me. Of course, living in a city like Chicago, stuff like this is more or less commonplace.

I wonder what sort of situation happened there and who was involved in cases like this. At the same time, I think about what sort of conditions led to this moment. Being the over-analyst that I am sometimes, I can’t help but feel an urge to figure out and do something to better such conditions.

I guess it’s that inner urge to “make a difference”—as corny as it sounds nowadays—that drove me to pursue studies in education. I’d hope it would be the little I could at least contribute to the mess around me. Even as I majored in regular history for my undergraduate studies, I wondered what impact I could make with whatever career I pursued. At this point, I was aware of struggles that some of my fellow students were going through as well as other incidents back home in my neighborhood.

A friend and I helped repaint one of the buildings at a Catholic parish in Jamaica. Back when I had a flowing mane.
I was fortunate to have a lot of opportunities to serve those in need during my undergraduate years at UIC. At the St. John Paul II Newman Center--as it is called right now ;)--I volunteered for a few mission trips to places such as Jamaica and Appalachia, and I participated in a few service projects back home in the city. I thoroughly enjoyed these moments and the people I served, but after finishing my service trips, I longed to do more. I wanted to do service that was long-term, not just a day or two weeks. I now wanted to develop myself more in service and pursue a career in which I could help others and build up my community.

Today, I'm getting ready to begin my master's program this fall. I have committed to getting my degree and teacher's license, knowing that I will be preparing myself to serve today's generation of youth and giving them what they need to take on life and the world ahead of them. I now feel like I've discovered at least part of my vocation, and I'm both nervous and excited to see what God will have in store for me next.

Monday, May 14, 2018

A Much-Owed Update

Yep, this blog's still alive.

On a more serious note, I duly apologize for not having written in months. Unfortunately, school and work dominated much of my Lent and Pascha/Easter, leaving me little to no time to write. With the conclusion of my second online semester, though, I'm taking the opportunity I have to provide content on this blog.

A lot has happened since last post. I finally got accepted into the master's in teaching program at UIC, and I am also in the process of getting into the ROTC program at that school. I'm very much excited to start yet another chapter in my life and finally achieve my goals to become a high school teacher and an Army officer. In the meantime, I'm just about halfway through with my current online certification with George Mason University, and I will soon get ready to start my internship with the Smithsonian Institute this fall!

I had a wonderful Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha this year. Aside from at least one thing breaking per day in the church during Holy Week (and me almost tripping and setting myself on fire on Good Friday), I had a great time serving and praying at all the services. I'm currently in the process of seeking a spiritual director to help me discern my vocation, which I will hopefully delve into later on.

It's a bit of a short update, but I promise I have a lot of ideas developed during my little hiatus. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates! Thanks for stopping by!